How To Grow Dragon Tree

Dracaena marginata

This variety of Dracaena is an architectural upright growing variety with stiff, sword like green leaves with red edges that grow on gray stems. A perfect beginners plant as they are easy to grow indoors. Tough and drought tolerant!


Dragon trees grow best in bright indirect light, but will tolerate shadier positions as well. Plants in low light grow slower and produce leaves with less colour. Too much direct sun can cause foliar burn.


Don’t drown this plant. It doesn’t need as much water as you may think.  Wait until the top half of the soil is dry before watering again. Brown tips on the leaves may indicate over watering or too much salt / fluoride. To avoid discolouration, use distilled or non-flouridated water. Yellowing leaves may indicate over-watering.


Use a well draining soil like Pro-Mix amended with organics and peat moss. Use a larger pot when possible as the root system is aggressive and spreading.


These plants prefer temperatures between 70-80F. Regular household humidity may be sufficient, but a little extra misting wont hurt.  Dragon trees do not need excessive fertilizer. Feed lightly once or twice a year in Spring and Summer. Do not fertilize in winter.  This plant is poisonous to cats and dogs. Keep away from pets. 
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