How To Grow Jade Plant

Crassula ovata

This plant from South Africa creates a many branched, woody shrub with succulent, usually green, spoon shaped foliage. It’s easy to grow and tolerates the dry environment of the home quite well. Makes an attractive specimen over time.


Bright light with some direct sun.


Keep it on the dry side, but don’t allow it to dry completely. Allow soil to dry out slightly between watering. Average room humidity is preferred, but will tolerate dry air.


A cactus potting mix with good drainage is recommended. Alternately make your own soil mix with 2 parts peat moss-based potting mix and 1 part sharp sand or perlite.


Slow-growing, Jade only needs repotted when it outgrows its container. In fact, it doesn’t need much attention at all. Watch for mealy bugs. A wilted plant can indicate a problem with bugs or over-watering. Brown shriveled spots or drooping leaves indicate the soil is too dry. Feed monthly spring through fall with 1/2 strength liquid fertilizer.
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