How To Grow Lucky Bamboo

Dracaena sanderiana

One of the easiest houseplants to grow! Originally from Africa, this plant is not really a bamboo, it is a Dracaena. It's a favourite among those who practice Feng Shui as it is believed to enhance chi energy and brings good luck.


Bright light, but no direct sun as it can  scorch leaves. Pale leaves indicate the plant is not getting enough light. Thrives under fluorescent lights, making it an ideal plant for the office.


Water thoroughly to get all the roots wet. Allow top 1 inch to dry between watering. Yellow leaves can be a sign of over-watering. Drooping leaves indicate excessive dryness. Average indoor humidity is preferred. Misting can be beneficial.


A peat moss based potting mix is suggested. 


When leggy, prune it back harshly to promote new growth. Repot in Spring if roots grow through drainage holes or the plant becomes top heavy.  Spider mites can be an issue in dry air.  Raising humidity can prevent a serious problem. Feed monthly with a 1/2 strength liquid houseplant fertilizer.
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