How To Grow Peace Lily

Spathiphyllum wallisii

One of the easiest houseplants to grow. Native to South America, this plant features attractive foliage and has long lasting summer blooms. It tolerates average conditions well and is one of the best plants for removing toxins from the air.


Bright light, but avoid direct sun. Will tolerate low light, but may not bloom. Brown scorch marks on leaves are a sign of too much sun.


Keep soil evenly moist. Use a pot with a drainage hole to prevent soggy soil, which can cause root rot. A humidity of 40% or higher is recommended.


A peat moss based potting mix is recommended. 


Cut spent flower stocks off at the base. Keep leaves dust-free by wiping them with a damp cloth. Leaves will indicate symptoms. Brown leaf tips are over-watering or too much sun. Shriveled and dry leaves indicate low humidity. It is poisonous so keep it away from pets and children. Feed monthly in spring & summer with a fertilizer with micro-nutrients. Yellow leaf edges indicate a nutrient shortage.
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