How To Grow Peacock Plant


One of the showiest indoor tropical plants. Tall slender stems hold up oval leaves with bold decorative markings. New leaves are rolled up and are coloured on the undersides. Native to Brazil.


Prefers low to moderate light. Keep out of direct sun. Colour will decline if it gets too much sun. 


Keep evenly moist at all times. Use distilled or rain water because calathea is sensitive to fluoride and other chemicals in public water supplies. Requires moist air too. Use a humidity tray and mist frequently with room temperature water.


A peat moss based potting mix is best.  


Brown leaf tips indicate low humidity, flouride in the water or too much fertilizer. Keep humidity above 60% for best results. Feed with a house plant fertilizer at half strength from Spring through Fall. Do not feed in winter. Lighter colour leaves may indicate a nitrogen or iron deficiency. Repot when necessary to a slightly larger container.
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