How To Grow Persian Shield

Strobilanthes dyerianus

A native of Burma, this fast growing plant is easy to grow with only minimal attention. Colourful, vibrant lance-shaped leaves are deep purple, green and a touch of silver. 


Persian shield plants prefer bright indirect light.


Water thoroughly and allow the soil to dry out a bit between watering. Keep soil drier in winter months, but do not allow it to dry out completely. Likes moderate to high humidity.


Any good potting mix will work with this plant.


Pinch off flowers when you see them as they weaken the plant. Browning leaves indicate dry air. Give this tropical moist air to look its best. Will get leggy over time. Prune off stems and propagate if you wish.
Feed every 2 weeks from Spring through Fall with a 1/2 strength liquid fertilizer. Expect colours to lighten as the plant ages.
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