How To Grow Snake Plant


Also known as ‘Mother-In-Law's Tongue’, this plant is one the easiest to grow and most forgiving houseplants in existence.  Strong upright foliage can tolerate high and low light as well as long term drought without effort.


Bright light to full sun. Is also extremely tolerant of low light. Very forgiving to most conditions it which it is place.


Keep the soil slightly moist during the growing season. In Winter, water lightly to prevent the soil from drying out. Avoid watering the foliage as it can rot. Average room temperature is preferred, but keep away from drafts or heating vents.


A cactus potting mix with good drainage is recommended.


Slow-growing, it will live for many years with good care. Any problems with Sansevieria are usually related to watering. Over watering can cause root rot. Feed monthly Spring through Fall with fertilizer for succulent plants.  Rarely needs repotting.  Keep leaves dust free and glossy by wiping with a damp cloth.
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