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Plants that are low growing and spreading are often called Groundcovers. These plants are great for covering bare earth, retaining hillsides, providing easy care greenery and even reducing erosion. Some are fast growing like periwinkle, euonymus and ivy, others more compact like Thyme, Moss, Ajuga, Pachysandra and Cotoneaster. Virtually any low growing spreading plant can be considered a groundcover.
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Cotoneaster apiculatus 'Tom Thumb'
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Cotoneaster apiculatus 'Tom Thumb'
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FROM $8.98
Jasminum nitidum
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leptinella_squalida (2).jpg
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Mukdenia rossi 'Crimson Fans'
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Fall Rye
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sagina_subulata (2).jpg
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4in POT
FROM $4.98
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Sedum acre
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10 in Flat N/A
FROM $14.98
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thymus_praecox_albiflorus (2).jpg
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Call to Check Stock
thymus_praecox_albiflorus (2).jpg
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#Results: 53

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Not all products are in-stock at all times. Our website is NOT a real time inventory. Availability is subject to change without prior notice. If you are making a special trip to see us, please confirm availability in advance by calling 604.882.1201 during business hours.

We strive to keep all online pricing as accurate as possible. However, occasional discrepancies can occur and prices may be subject to change without prior notice. When a discrepancy exists, the in-store price will be deemed to be correct. We apologize in advance if this occurs.

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