Schedule An In-Store or On-Site Appointment

Want a beautiful garden but don't know how to start?

Make an in-store, 1 on 1 appointment with one of our talented horticulturists or Garden Designers by using this convenient online-form. Appointments are 45-60 minutes in length and begin on the hour. Appointments are not available on Mondays.

Horticulturist = General In-Store Plant Advice/Selection - FREE
Garden Coach - In-Store Garden Design/Plant Selection - $75 / Hour
Landscape Design - On-Site / At Home Garden Design & Advice - Min $150, Additional time by the hour

All sessions are regularly priced at $75 per hour. You will be contacted by one of our staff for payment prior to the session.

All garden coach and landscape design sessions are 45-60 minutes in duration.

What Happens Next?

Once you schedule your appointment, you will receive an email asking you to acknowledge your booking. This email strives to prevent SPAM and accidental bookings.

Once you follow the instructions in the email, we will CALL you to confirm the actual date/time and arrange payment. If you do not hear from us within 24-48 hours, please call the front desk at 604.882.1201 as emails do occasionally get lost or marked as spam.


Let's Get Started!

Book your session today. Sessions can be booked on most days a week (no appointments on Saturdays and Sundays) and only a limited number of spots are available per day. Each Session is a one on one session with one of talented horticulturists or designers.

Garden Coach Sessions

Garden Coach is an excellent opportunity to ask plant care and maintenance questions, get help selecting plants or to learn more about gardening in general. Sessions are 45 minutes in duration and must be booked and confirmed in advance.

Landscape Design Sessions

Landscape Design sessions are held in-store and are project based. Each session is ideal to tackle a small or defined spot in your landscape. Bring in pictures, diagrams, maps and plans if available. Bring in images of plants you like, think about your favourite colours and design elements. Then, take advantage of 1 on 1 time with one of our talented and experienced Landscape Designers. We'll spend some time reviewing your landscape, identifying opportunities and making suggestions to improve your space. Each session is 45 minutes and must be booked and confirmed in advance.


Our Garden Coach and Landscape Design Sessions are very reasonably priced. All standard sessions are $75 per hour.

Payment or purchase will be processed in-store prior to your session. Payments and purchases are not refundable.

How To Schedule

  • Please fill in the form onscreen
  • You will receive and email asking you to acknowledge your booking. Follow the instructions in the email
  • We will reach out to you to confirm the exact time/date of your session and to arrange payment
  • Your appointment is NOT confirmed until we contact you
Copyright (c) 2024 Art's Nursery Ltd.  | 8940 192nd Street, Surrey, BC, Canada, V4N 3W8  | tel: 604.882.1201  | SiteMap  | Privacy Statement |

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